Muldoon Raising $$$ for Grovember

After a whole lot of confusion within Atlassian we’ve done our own thing. The chairperson of Beyond Blue made a whole lot of disparaging remarks about single parent or gay parent families. As such the Atlassian team is now behind Grovember, and we’re raising money for the Black Dog institute instead.

All too much to consider?! Well keep this in mind, prostate cancer is bad. Lots of Aussie blokes (and fellas all around the world) have to deal with it. Cancer is bad. If you are keen to prevent this form of cancer (in the future, as our funding is going to research) then donate. For my part I will be chopping off the beard and growing a Mo. You boys and girls are going to get a laugh out of this, @OrganicSydney (sorry dear!) is going to hate it.

October 31 @ 1103am:


November 1 @ 1201am (first time I have shaved with a razor in about 10 years, so show me the money!):


November 7 @ 1027am (nasty mo, here I come):


November 14 @ 0824am (shocking how good it looks!):
















November 28 @ 0905am (looking good Muldoon):

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